The Newest Christian Music!
If you don't like the music, don't listen to it!
~Joey Cagle(Fleshdead), owner of Question Mark Music

Minister of Reconciliation

Compilation CDs

If You Don't LIke The Music Don't Listen To It Vol. 1.
Currently featuring:

WQMM Radio

Question Mark Music's MP3 Station. Featuring Question Mark Music artists and other artists we like.

Question Mark Music Chat and Message Board 
Label information

Question Mark Music is a virtual label. This means we use to produce our CDs. This cuts production costs a lot. For the artists signed to our label we pay for any recording costs. We also use whatever tools we can to promote our artists. 

We only sign CHRISTIAN artist that are members of Only christian artists because we are a CHRISTIAN label. Only members because we are a NMA VIRTUAL LABEL!

If you'd like to join, e-mail me at


July 30, 2000
I am back from camp.  The Fleshdead EP is being scratched.  We're waiting a little longer on the compilation as well.  No new date has been set.  Fleshdead will be working on a CD called "Electric Hymns."  It will feature a lot of hymns totally redone in the industrial format.  The recording for this project should be done by October.  By the way, Question Mark Music Studios is now in Joey's bedroom.

June 12, 2000
I (Joey) will be gone from June 12 to July 22 because I am working on summer camp staff. I will do a little work on Question Mark Music on the weekends, but it will not be a significant amount.

June 6, 2000
Official virtual label web site goes up.
Fleshdead is currently recording some songs for the EP "Hey Devil You Stink" coming out in August.
We are currently working on a compilation CD due out in September called "If You Don't LIke The Music Don't Listen To It Vol. 1." If you are interested, please e-mail for more info. You must have an MP3 of the songs you want because this will be an D.A.M. CD. We would prefer that you are an artist.